The luxury stroller company, Bugaboo will release beautiful Missoni prints in July. While a bright block print embellishes the Bugaboo Cameleon sun cover, the vivacious zigzags beautifies the Bugaboo Bee sun canopy. Both the collection being completed with an entwined Missoni blanket features Missoni’ signature artistry and quality. The partnership between Missoni and Bugaboo led to the creation of such magnificent stroller. Angela Missoni, the co-owner of Missoni says it was a great opportunity to have worked with Bugaboo to create such a dream stroller. The stroller has been designed specially for children who are always sensitive to different colors and patterns. While the Bugaboo Bee is priced at $199, the Bugaboo Cameleon is priced at $269. Bugaboo accredited a video showcasing a modern mom dressed in a miniskirt with of Joan of Arc hairstyle pushing a stroller and gazing herself in a mirror.

From : [Bugaboo]