Long trip without being able to find proper bathroom can be difficult when you have children with you, that’s why Cool Gear Travel Potty Chair is a great invention for any parents. It looks like a briefcase at first, but when you unfold it, you get a ready to use toilet for children, simply attach the disposable bag. The cheerful color is really attractive, your children won’t feel intimidated, they can use this chair anywhere. In fact, you can also teach your children to take out the dirty bag and replace it with a new one (do this carefully, you don’t want end up with a mess). There are 2 large compartments that you can use to keep clean disposable bags or any other supplies. [Click here to get more information about Cool Gear Travel Potty Chair]
Cool Gear Travel Potty Chair is lightweight and portable, you can also keep a new underwear, baby wipes or extra disposable bags in it. This chair shows you potty training is easy breeze. If you don’t like your toddler to use public restrooms with questionable sanitary conditions, then this potty chair should be in your car. [Click here to checkout Cool Gear Travel Potty Chair]