Sibi Max Push Car : Modern Toy Car That Represents Masterful Craftsmanship


Beautifully designed and crafted exclusively for children, Sibi Max Push Car boasts masterful craftsmanship. It’s a must have toy if you want only the best. Its sleek and minimalist, well-thought design adds beauty to your kid’s room, your children would love climbing on and off this toy car. Let your child imagination run free, your children will learn about good coordination and exercise to make those little legs strong. It measures 14.5″ H x 23″ W x 10″ D, each toy has been designed using ash plywood as its main material and EVA plastic for the wheels. Sibi Max Push Car is perfect for 2 years old and above. [Click here to get more details about Sibi Max Push Car]

Sibi Max Push Car


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