Made in EU, Baby Rocker LEVO is the result of collaboration between Charlie Crane and Moumout. This collaboration celebrates the birth and sweetness of living just like as if your head in the cloud. Completed with Moumout cloud cushion, this rocker features modern design that would integrate perfectly into your modern interior. Built with multi-plywood beech, this rocker looks nothing like ordinary baby furniture, its swing adapts to the movements of your baby, gently rocking your baby to sleep.
Designed for newborn to around 7 months, Baby Rocker LEVO from Charline Crane supports baby’s weight from birth up to 19.8lbs. Designed by Erick Demeyer and Steven Leprize for Charline Crane, this rocker is easy to assemble, the cushion is also easy to take off and the fabric is machine washable. [Click Here to get more details about this baby rocker]
From : Charlie Crane