Here comes a new challenge for family game time, Hoverkraft Levitating Construction Challenge. What’s this unique floating game? Well, actually, it’s an old school building game, except this time, your children should be more careful, because the board levitates! Yep, you read that right, using magnetic repulsion, design team from ThinkGeek has managed to build a gameboard that defies gravity. It works like Jenga, you can stack those transparent pieces higher and higher or remove them without making the block falls down. Playing this game would be a temptation that you just can’t resist, in fact, the whole family members would have so much fun playing it.
This game is meant for 2 players, build bigger and stronger structures, fast. It lasts from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, it’s a fast game but we can tell that your children would play the game for hours. There are 24 plastic blocks consists of 6 pyramids, 6 L-shapes, 6 corners, and 6 straight pieces. It’s an addictive game, perfect for children ages 8-years and above.
From : ThinkGeek [Buy It Here]