Lillebaby EuroTote is an ultra-light tote to carry your baby out of car seats or on a stroller or around the house without waking up the sleeping baby. Lillebaby EuroTote is crash tested for car seats, as you know, babies are often fall asleep in the car, this product allows you to simply unbuckle the car seat harness and carry the baby with you. It is said that your baby will get a better much needed and safety-recommended break from sitting, while you get the break of leaving the 10+ lb car seat behind. This product is also can be converted to an adjustable stroller bag, very handy when traveling as it also serves as travel bedding or a play blanket on a hotel room. Basically Lillebaby EuroTote can function as multiple products for years.

From : [Lillebaby]

I’m migrating to Australia in Jan with a 6 months old baby. I can buy a stroller and a cot from where I’m living right now (sri lanka) at a cheaper price. However I’m wondering those available in sri lanka are allowed to use in Ausi.
Or need to know what are the criteria that I must consider when buying a cot or a stroller that is to be used in Ausi