You are relying on strollers when going out with your baby for convenient carrying. But what have you planned about your elder son or daughter? Is he or she is going to walk the entire way? Definitely you won’t like to carry him or her all the way while pushing the stroller. What is the solution then? It’s Granite, a Sit n Stand single stroller that makes room for your baby in front in a sitting position and behind features a place to stand your elder child, making your life easier. The dual purpose use is the key feature of the stroller. Besides, other common features such as lightweight construction, comfortable seat with convenient washing facility, adjustable safety harness, storage basket, etc also are available in the stroller. Oh one more notable thing is the water bottle holder and the mobile keeping compartment that keeps them easily reachable. [Click here to get Sit n Stand single stroller order info]
Source : Baby Trend [Buy it here]