Spherovelo ride-on toy is an innovative bike for toddler from age 1 year up to 2 year and a half. It’s been designed to be the perfect balance bike to develop toddler’s balance and motor skills, hey why let the big kids have all the fun, right? Designed by Andy Loveland, a British industrial designer, this toy is still in…
Tag: motor skills
Boon Benders Adaptable Utensils : A Great Choice for First-Time Utensils Using Babies
Due to lack of fully developed motor skills, your baby will have difficulties when starting eating for the first time using utensils and the Boon Benders Adaptable Utensils will help your baby to adapt regular utensils in an easier way. The adjustable end of these utensils can be positioned in a perfect angle that can accommodate the child’s grip. Later…