Working moms usually have problem when having to deal with breast pump, they need to be in a private room and stop working for a while. Stay-at-home moms also have to stop doing household chores for while to pump breast milk. So, what if we told you that there’s a compact sized breast milk pump that fits inside your bra?
Willow wearable breast pump has been designed to give moms more freedom. It’s a conceptual project that features all-in-one design, it works quietly inside your bra and collects your milk in an internal bag. It’s ergonomic and compact design makes it perfect to wear under your bra, no more cords, tubes, or dangling bottles. You can move freely and do your activities while you pump.
The pump works quietly, you can answer or make phone calls while doing it, or even a conference call if you want. Assembling this breast pump is also easy, with fewer parts, it also means less parts to clean. Willow wearable breast pump comes with a companion app, it’s a smart pump after all. It has the ability to sense your let-down and automatically transform into expression phase based on your body’s own unique milk production and timing.